Westward Bound

Oh, California…

Do you believe in magic? I certainly do. For me, it exists at every twist and turn in California. The breathtaking sunsets that radiate and glisten in the sky. All the colors of the most delicious sherbet-filled summers. The clouds gently floating by as if they’re also in awe of the mystical landscapes that lurk below. 

The mountains, deserts, oceans, and forests. The hot sun. The fields of wildflowers. The hummingbirds that quickly appear to say hello before they flitter off just as fast as they arrived. The butterflies that follow you along the hiking trails.  

California will always be a home to me. It’s where I crafted my Eldorado dream. It’s where I spent months soaking up the inspiration and magic - waiting patiently to return back home to Detroit and build Eldorado in brick and mortar form.

As we fly north to Portland, wheels up on the plane and the clock reads 11:11 - California winks “so long.” I am happy and free. And I am once again reminded just how magical the west coast truly is. 

Until we meet again, I’ll be dreaming of the days I head West - to be warmed by the radiance of that magical California sun. 

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