Burning Man
Chris and I ventured into the dusty playa desert for our 4th year of mischief and magic. Our 2nd of which we spent together - living in a solar powered, air-conditioned, homemade hexagonal yurt that Mr. Adventure made us last year.
He left by car while I met him 4 days later by plane. He scooped me up from the Reno Airport and we headed off into the sunset. Anxiously awaiting what magical trip we would experience.
It's hard to sum up into words how meaningful and life changing a place like Burning Man is for both Chris and I. It's a place that really lets us reflect on how far we've come over the last year. And focus on what we'd like to achieve in the next 365 days ahead. It's a silly and strange wonderland filled with amazing people and unique situations. There is music and art. And sharing. Learning and growing. It's so inspiring to both of us.
For now, I'd like to share some of Chris's photos - his images really seem to capture that otherworldly glow that a place like the playa has. You can read his articles about Burning Man here and here.